About Your Staffing firm

When you find the right people, you stop working to get by and start working strategically.

Talent Offshore is founded in 2020 during the COVID pandemic as staffing firm, with a motive to reduce the unemployment rate in the country by acquiring highly talented staff and offering a smart workforce to its clients at a much lower cost by taking advantage of exchange rates.


A bridge between – our policy of smart working aligns the goals of our clients with the goals of talent so that outcomes are better, and everyone grows in the same direction. At TalentOffshore, you will sharpen your skills, evolve your business, and gain the control and freedom you need for your success. We have rapidly developed and expanded into a global organization providing an array of services to business needs.


We are your workforce, your staffing firm, use this independent talent to build faster and transform your business. We work as an extension of our client’s office and believe that the client’s goal is our goal. Everything we do is an effort to help you make the connections that will turn that vision into reality, by building your Virtual Talent Bench of trusted people.


Our mission is to create opportunities for the people of Pakistan who are suffering from unemployment and higher inflation rates; alternatively, which provide talented and cost-effective resources to the recruiters. As a result, to become a pioneer in the online work marketplace where every business and sovereign talent grow and accomplish remarkable goals.


Talent Offshore strives daily to be the best online work marketplace by investing in its highly talented staff and keeps reinventing itself with rapid changes in technology.


  • Accountable: Personally, accountable for delivering on our commitments.
  • Passion: Committed in heart and mind.
  • Truthful: Trust earning, to be honest, ethical, and straightforward.
  • Ownership: Taking the initiative to bring positive results and obliging to own the results.
  • People: Build a team that respect, learn from, strengthen, and have fun with each other.
  • Technology & Innovation: Willing to try new things, take measured risks and learn from failures

TalentOffshore - Your Staffing Firm


We act as an intermediary between rising talent and companies looking for new workers. As a good staffing firm, we have a system in place to match skill sets and experiences with the requirements of the jobs available. This creates a suitable match between the open job positions and qualified candidates.

TalentOffshore as a staffing firm offers a lot more than recruiting firm which may include employee orientation, training, retention, and termination. 

Whether you need employees to fill a temporary or more permanent position, a staffing firm can help you find qualified job candidates. However, if you need help with more specialized projects, need a more economical solution, or want more control over the hiring process, TalentOffshore can be a great option.

As a offshore talent platform, TalentOffshore can connect your business to experianced professionals with the expertise and skill sets you need to get your jobs done quickly and efficiently.

Get safe and secure hiring for any sized project with TalentOffshore.